
We possess within us two minds. So far I have written only of the conscious mind. I would now like to introduce you to your second mind, the hidden and mysterious subconscious.

Get in Touch
Philippines, Afela inc.
Talay st. 65, PO Box 6200

Phone: + 1-888-1554-456-123

Email: themesupport@gmail.com

Fax: +63 918 4084 694

Agende sua Consulta

(11) 4522-0065

Agende por WhatsAp

(11) 95305-0065

Onde Estamos

Avenida Coletta Ferraz de Castro, 159
Jardim Paulista I, Jundiaí - SP

Converse com a Clinivita!


Avenida Coletta Ferraz de Castro, 159
Jardim Paulista I, Jundiaí - SP
CEP 13208-280